Monday, August 22, 2011

Hello, Kindergarden!

The day has come! Bryden, my baby, my first, my little man...has started school! How did this happen?! It defintley doesn't feel like I should have one starting school! Yes, he has gone to the Headstart program and Pre-K but this is different! This is the start of when it all counts. The 12/13 year journey that will now consume us until he graduates! That I must say, is a little scary haha!

Waking him up this morning was NOT easy. Although yesterday he seemed excited to go...when it came time to wake him up this is the face he gave me:

It didn't get any better from there. After making his waffles and pouring his milk so that he could eat breakfast this is the face he gave me:

Now that is one cranky Kindergardner. I feel sorry for his teacher :)

Now on to talk about the morning schedule now with 2 kiddos and myself to get ready before we take Bryden on to school. It is to say the least, BUSY! Im pretty proud I adjusted and got it done today. Lets see if it continues! The routine looks a little like this:

Alarm: 6:00 a.m.
Coffee: Already auto-brewing (set it up the night before)
Me: Make-up and getting dressed
6:30: Wake up Makenna and feed her breakfast
6:45: Wake up the school boy
7:00: Fix and feed him breakfast
7:15: Fix Brydens hair and brush his teeth
7:20: Make Makenna a bottle and get her in her carseat.
7:30: Get both dogs in their kennels. Make sure Bryden has backpack and lunch kit.
7:40: Leave my driveway.
7:50: Arrive at school and Bryden is off :)

Doesn't really sound like a lot but I was moving the entire time as soon as my feet hit the floor haha You mean I have to do this for what feels like the rest of my life and do it multiple times? I hope I survive :)

During all the chaos I managed to snap a few pictures. Mind you my REAL camera decided to take a crap on me so I only had my cell phone. Not really the ideal situation for great first day of school pics but I guess sometimes you just have to work with ya got!

We got to his Kindergarden class and I honestly was awaiting the huge meltdown. The "I wanna go home" cry. It never happened! What a BIG little man I have! Once we got there he seemed more accepting of the whole Kindergarden thing and maybe relaized it wasn't gonna be that bad afterall. There was already a color sheet layed out on his desk and so he was happy to know that coloring it would be in his near future. It doesn't get any better than that in his book!

So, there is where it ends for me and the big journey begins for him! Leaving him there at his desk I felt that lump grow in my throat and that little sting in my chest. That feeling inside just made me want to just wisk him away back home and shrink him to Makennas size, just so that I could prolong this moment. Despite the stinging chest, I was so proud. These last 5 years flashed through my head as I saw him there smiling clutching that yellow name tag! Having him, bringing him home, learning how to be a mama, the terrible two's, the even worse 3's, the getting better 4's and the big go to Kindergarden 5 year old! We did it. Then I questioned myself. I wonder if anything I taught him will reflect in his behavior at school? Did I do enough to prepare him? Have I given him all that I could in those short years I enjoyed staying at home with him? Will he feel Im still there for him? I know he has to know I love him. I tell him at least 50 times a day! He looks happy at that big boy desk and Im sure him and the kid next to him will become great friends. I mean how can you not become best friends with the kid the teacher decided to stick beside you?! Im sure he will go on about his day and forget about me. I guess I will learn to be okay with that. It's all a great milestone. I mean I have a precious baby girl to raise and start over everything that has gotten me to this point with Bryden. That makes me feel proud. Look what this mama has accomplished :) Oh, how I love my Kindergardner! Now I wonder where I sign up to be a room mom?!!! HAHAHA!